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Conversation Patterns


Language is the art of communication of your feelings and feelings are conveyed through very common conversation patterns.

Learning a language involves 3 quite different skills.

The 3 include conversation, reading and writing skills.

Reading and writing skills are much more advanced skills. Children in the the US learn these higher reading and writing skills throughout their first 12 years of formal education.


Writing skills are the most difficult and take years to perfect writing essays, books etc. Developing grammatical and vocabulary skills to master reading and writing skills takes years.

I contend that conversation skills are much easier to learn. Conversation skills begin to develop from early childhood. It starts with the child mimicking what their mother says.  

Non native speakers who wish to learn English conversation are often left confused by teachers teaching reading and writing skills in the beginning. These students learn English every day throughout middle and high school and end up not being able to hold the simplest of conversations. 

Students are left frustrated and mystified. I believe the failure of the education system is due to the fact that students are not taught basic conversation skills first. The early introduction of difficult reading and writing skills confuse the natural process of learning a language.

I liken it to having beginning grammar school students trying to learn basic math skills while having the teachers trying to teach them algebra and trigonometry at the same time.  It is all math but.....

My humble suggestion is you should focus on conversation skills in the beginning. Do not move onto the more difficult skills until students are comfortable with basic conversation skills.


 I have tried to identify the most conversation patterns used in conversation. The use of patterns enhance ones ability to  communicate our feelings. 

My 40 hour tutorial attempts to focus on these patterns and progressively give the students the tools to communicate themselves effectively. The very nature of a PATTERN implies that it happens over and over again. Patterns are heard over and over again in conversation because we are all trying to communicate basic feelings. Patterns communicate a wide variety of feelings subjectively.

By helping the student to identify and master these very simple patterns will lead to  predictable results. The students progress through the patterns will offer both you and the student some magical moments.

People learn to speak by speaking. After the initial introduction to the hourly lesson, all the exercises invite the student to become an active speaker forcing them out of their comfort zone to speak. 

I firmly believe that what is worth learning is worth reviewing. So, every hour incorporates reviews of all patterns learned in previous lessons.

The vast majority of people learning English want to just basically communicate their feelings. They don't necessarily want to learn high reading and writing skills.  They just want to be able to hold a simple conversation and express their feelings.

If someone comes to you expressing a concern that they aren't able to express themselves in English well, I can guarantee you that they use very few patterns when they speak. Feelings are delicately conveyed through patterns.

           Book PDF:

          Pattern Guide:

                 (per page)


The last video in every hour is a Teacher's Tips section where I attempt to show you what I have learned teaching this approach. There is a full section under the header entitled 이 효진. That is my nieces Korean name and my videos of taking her through the 40 hours.



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